The biomass used for the production of biogas can come from various sources:
Vegetable biomass waste or coming from crops for energy purposes. A typical example is the use of chopped corn (material with an excellent transformation yield into biogas). Interesting for farms with availability of hectares to be dedicated to energy purposes.
Manure of bovine, porcine and ovine origin. In addition to being an important source of income, it improves spreading in the land from an olfactory and hygienic-sanitary point of view. The sanitized residual sludge (digestate) can be stored and used for agronomic purposes. Interesting for farms with significant dimensions.
This can include parts such as rumen content, soft tissues and blood from slaughterhouses. A good option for slaughterhouses, which often do not have appropriate disposal systems at their disposition.
Taken from sorted waste collections, this is the organic fraction ("wet waste") which is normally sent to composting plants. Anaerobic digestion is a complementary technology - not an alternative to composting - but a process which allows for the maximum recuperation of materials and energy from waste.
Organic sludge, for example from the dairy industry. As with urban wet waste, anaerobic digestion is designed to optimise the recuperation process from this type of waste.